QuickBooks Errors

QuickBooks Target Chaining Errors

Before you finish this sentence, somebody’s information will be lost in a QuickBooks file or related information. 

Let’s start with target-chaining errors that are becoming more common as file size grow.

by: john bowling

Overview of QuickBooks Target Chaining 

When rebuilding QuickBooks, during the “getting all transactions” phase, Quickbooks is loading all targets (line items) into RAM. We’re not sure what order they are loaded, but it always seems to be all normal targets, then source targets are loaded first. When QuickBooks can’t use enough RAM, either from limited cache or 32bit RAM limit imposed by QuickBooks (about 3.4 GB), numerous targets can NOT load. 

When QuickBooks rebuild gets to the transactions that cause these errors, it believes that these transactions have no source.

QuickBooks labels this issue as target chaining; transaction 1 points to a source-target 2 “that doesn’t exist.” The chain is broken, which results in an error. 

To “correct” this issue, QuickBooks create a new source for this transaction 1 equal to the amount of the actual source that caused the issue.

This scenario applies to Invoices and Credit memos as well. We do not know if any other transactions are susceptible to this issue at this point.


A bill exists for $100, with two lines being $50 each.

The header table stores the reference for this bill with a transaction id 1. It points to the source line of 2. The source points to target id 3, and 3 points to 4. This is what we call a “chain.”

"Keep vital information in three or more places."   

"Keep vital information in two different formats."

"Keep an archived copy of vital information you can visually inspect."

Three Principles To Keep Information Safe

In the upcoming book by our founder, he discusses why so many experts get it wrong, costing businesses so much money. It shouldn’t cost a lot of money, and it involves some common sense. Read Chapter 3

There are seven principles that come out of thirty years of working with our customers and our own vital information. Most people, when exposed to all seven, say, “That makes a lot of sense,” and it should.  If you are an individual or business, we can help.

Step 1

You meet a client or prospect in passing in the lobby of a hotel. You only have a few seconds to tell that person or persons about your product or company

What do you want them to know?

we provide…, we offer…, at our company we…, did you know….

Step 2

If you put a person on hold, what is the average time I expect them to be on hold?

The follow-up question is; do I need a separate message for internal staff. 

Step 3

Why do you put a client or customer on hold?

We ask that question because sometimes the customer will ask that very question, and we can answer the question and build a tighter bond.

People That Help

In a radical departure from most all companies today, we believe in talking to our customers because we believe our customers are our friends. We will leave on-hold, self-help, user-forums to someone else. 

It Starts With Software Anyone  Can Use

We had to invent software to have a shot at accomplishing our goal: no one loses information ever again.  So how does it work?

We later created a web page with the audio that allowed anyone to come and listen and have a chance to grab a moment to think.

That’s our mission, what we enjoy doing.


We built an incredibly simple to use application with support built into the interface!


Setup One or Many External Archive Storage Locations

This is the text area for this paragraph. To change it, simply click here and start typing. 


Click Save and See What You Setup

This is the text area for this paragraph. To change it, simply click here and start typing. 


Click Run and Watch Your Data Archive The First Time

This is the text area for this paragraph. To change it, simply click here and start typing. 


Set a Time and Learn About More Cool Features To Keep Your Data Safe

This is the text area for this paragraph. To change it, simply click here and start typing. 

Keeping Information Safe™ is a Trade Mark of Klotron. All text copyright Klotron 2021, All Rights Reserved

Great “On-Hold-Music” shares similarities with a Podcast

First, you need a good background sound, and then you need an introduction that gets the listener’s attention. With those two things in mind, good on-hold or Podcast tracks should pause from the message, taking a moment to let the listener think about what they just heard.  Finally, the message needs to be a mix of your message and sounds that emphasize the message or story you want to impart.  Did you know that more than fifty percent of a movie are background sounds? 

One more thought.  Don’t be afraid to use your on-hold moment to tell a short story; we all love stories with the write acoustics. 


More Than Just Sounds

 Klotron is proud to bring you people with experience and know-how to help you do more selling and supporting your prospects and clients. Our concierge support and personal service are second to know one.

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